Saturday, 9 February 2013

Classic Tunes of the Week: 4. Superman (Prelude and Main Title March) by John Williams (1978)

Yes, Tunes plural. Sorry I've been away for a while, but my sound work for live Theatre and Radio, plus my 26th Birthday kept me very busy for some time. I was originally going to post a big selection of my all-time favourites for my birthday, but as its long passed, it can wait till another time. To make up for the wait though, I will be posting a couple of other tunes over the next two days, so erm...stay it were.

As it happens this particular track is one of my all-time favourites anyway. To celebrate John Williams' 81st birthday yesterday, here's one of my favourite ever pieces by the magnificent and superlative film composer, the main theme to Superman itself, from the original 1978 film starring Christopher Reeve. This track also includes the opening prelude Williams composed for the film, which in my mind is the perfect lead-in to one of the most perfect Film themes ever devised.

4. Superman: Prelude and Main Title March, by John Williams (1978)

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