Tuesday 4 May 2010

Doctor Who review project: Part 2

Continuing my Doctor Who re-evaluation has been rather slow over the last 2 months. University has kept me busier than ever, and with BUGS' 15th Anniversary, excellent new Doctor Who episodes and the impending UK General Election (which combined has captured much of my attention and free time), not much reviewing has taken place. However, that doesn't mean there was nothing to surprise me.

The story count has only risen by 13 stories from 33-46, I'm afraid, but hopefully in the coming summer months that will change. In that period, I've revisited both Classics and Clunkers, partly down to my own curious whims. The Trial of a Time Lord epic is still very much a strong favourite of mine, but slightly lower than before. Other no surprises were an equally strong Curse of Peladon, and predictably average Delta and the Bannermen. However, I was surprised at quite how bad The Time Monster was, and even more so that The Tomb of the Cybermen is actually much less of a Classic story than previously thought (especially considering it's always a fan favourite).

Still, this is small fry, and I hope to have progressed much more by July.

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